

锁定目标,装弹! Locked and loaded!

你有目标吗? Ye have a target?

是,长*! Aye sir!

你需要什么? Whaddya need?

是。 Aye.

该走了! Time to go!

好。 Okay.

我是你的射手。 I'm your shooter.

这……是……我的……火枪! This... is... my... BOOMSTICK!

我的酒呢? Where's me drink!?

不喝它一盅我就瞄不准! I can't shoot straight unless I've had a pint!

欧,这是我的酒,下肚子吧! Oh, there's me drink. Get in mah belly!

枪不**……我杀!哈哈哈! Gun's don't kill people... I DO! Hahah!

别用那东西射我! Don't shoot yer shit that thing at me!

我杀了郡长,又杀了副*,现在我要杀你这条狗! I shot the sheriff, and the deputy, and yer little doggie too!

只有等我死了你才能从我手中拿走我的枪! You'll take me blunderbuss when you pry it from my cold dead hands!

看这个,白痴! Take that ya sod!

枪毙他们! Shoot to kill!

我看见**了! I've got the beast in mah sights!

开火! Fire!