

1、简介:《赛车总动员2》是2011年皮克斯动画工作室制作的3D动画**,由约翰·拉塞特、布拉德·刘易斯联袂执导,欧文·威尔逊、**接线员拉里、迈克尔·凯恩主演配音,于2011年6月24日美国上映。**主要讲述了明星赛车“闪电麦昆”和它的搭档“板牙”前往海外参加世界***,但随着板牙陷入了它自己的一个有趣的冒险中:国际**活动,冠军之路变得非常坎坷。欧文·威尔逊配音的主角“闪电麦昆”依然要参加各种赛车比赛,不过这次他将跨出美国国门、周游世界。拉塞特透露,麦昆和他的团队将辗转5个**,参加F1赛车和拉力赛的重大赛事:**站是**东京,他们要从富士山出发,往市区开;第二站是德国,他们要穿过黑森林;第三站是意大利的“Porto Corsa”大赛,它类似于蒙特卡洛汽车大赛;第四站是巴黎的24小时拉力赛;*后一站是伦敦,这也是全片的**部分,终点是白金汉宫,有趣的是王宫守卫也是汽车。

2、除了精彩的赛车部分,在《赛车总动员2》中还有另一条故事线,主要是围绕拖车板牙展开的,这个角色由**接线员拉里配音。拖车板牙在救了一个英国秘密特工“Finn McMissile”(车型为阿斯顿·马丁)后,被人错当成**,卷入了麻烦之中





5、In this sunny day, my mother and I came to the cinema of the people watching"Cars 2".

6、The film is about the story of the"die" and"Lightning McQueen" two cars to participate in the international racing tournament. Toilet"die" During this period, an international spy secretly by intelligence gathered quietly installed in the car at the end of the"die" completely uninformed, it is so confused by the"die" when on spy, after a series of things, I learned the truth.

7、The original invention of the PhD of"Aye energy" because he found a lot of oil field exploitation, so would like to take this fortune Dr decided to give up before the public"Aye energy. Dr. in the contest before you want to research"Aye energy" vehicles-destruction, so the United another car to the destruction of"Aye energy" Dr. expand their plots. Finally, it is only"Lightning McQueen" one"Aye energy" car had, but when the"Lightning McQueen" has been Egypt Energy replaced out of gas, so, Ph.D., also took the second program, installation in the car of the"die" time bomb, but as a"die" best friend-"Lightning McQueen" and"die" together in the end at the last minute to unlock a time bomb.

8、In this film, I felt the wisdom of the"die" and"Lightning McQueen" brave, they can lose their precious lives for their partners. I would also like to, like solidarity, not selfishness.

"Cars 2" is a sequel to the 2006 Disney Pixar hit"Cars". This time around, Lightning McQueen(voiced by Owen Wilson) and the gang are taking on a dangerous mission to stop a dastardly villain from ruining an international racing event.

The film is filled with action, adventure, and comedy, making for a fun and heartwarming ride. The voice cast is superb, with Wilson, Armie Hammer, and Larry the Cable Guy bringing their A-game to the characters. The animation is also top-notch, with detailed designs and smooth movements.

However, some may find the plot a bit too convoluted and the villain too generic. Additionally, the film leans too heavily on the comedy, at times detracting from the more serious elements of the story.

Overall,"Cars 2" is a fun movie that younger kids will especially enjoy. It's a worthy addition to the Disney Pixar library, but not quite as good as the original.

角色介绍:Lightning McQueen是一个年轻的赛车,在**部**中,他发现了自己的天赋并成为了一个成功的赛车手。在《赛车总动员2》中,他被邀请参加国际赛车比赛,并和他的团队一起阻止一个**的计划。

角色介绍:Mater是Lightning McQueen的好朋友,他是一辆老式的拖车,充满了幽默和善良。尽管他常常搞出一些小麻烦,但他总是在关键时刻帮助Lightning McQueen。

角色介绍:Finn McMissile是一名秘密特工,他的任务是保护国际赛车比赛。他是一个非常专业的角色,总是保持冷静和专注,但在面对可爱的小汽车时,他也会展现出温柔的一面。

角色介绍:Francois Peri是一名法国赛车手,他在《赛车总动员2》中成为了Lightning McQueen的竞争对手。他是一个非常自信和骄傲的角色,总是试图通过**和威胁来获得胜利。
